6.11.09 Corporate Media vs. Grassroots Media

Youth producers Amanda, Mia, and Caianne investigate the corporatization, commercialization, and consolidation of media. Featuring:

  • Caianne and Connor Tackle the Music Industry, a piece in which the music industry is revealed to be marketing itself as diverse when in reality it is owned by a homogeneous handful of corporations.
  • A voxpop by Radio Rootz and workshop participants at the 2009 Grassroots Media Conference on the vibe and value of the conference
  • "Generation of Consolidation," an audio documentary by Sami Muilenburg and Brooke Noel broadcast here courtesy of Reel Grrls that explores the impact of media consolidation on news content as well as its impact on youth both as viewers and media makers.
  • Original Radio Uprising youth interviews with:
    • Kristal of Radio Rootz
    • Cynthia of Human Rights Watch International Film Fest's Youth Producing Change program
    • Judi from IndyKids
Recommended musical accompaniment:
  • "School's out" by Alice Cooper
  • "Sound System" by Operation Ivy
Please support:
Radio Rootz: www.radiorootz.org, www.peoplesproductionhouse.org
Generation of Consolidation: www.generationofconsolidation.org
Reel Grrls: www.reelgrrls.org
Indy Kids: http://indykids.net/main/
Human Rights Watch: www.hwr.org
Youth Producing Change: http://www.hrw.org/en/iff/youth-producing-change-0




6.4.09 A Fresh Start

Join youth producers Amanda, Raeva, Mia and Caianne for a multi-dimensional contemplation on what it means to get "a fresh start." Featuring:
  • personal essays by Amanda
  • social critique by Caianne
  • lyrical essay by Raeva
  • live radio roundtable discussions on:
    • the ethics of memory erasure in Dollhouse
    • discussion on the nature of souls
    • procrastination - plus tips on how to get down to work painlessly!
**Recommended musical accompaniment:
"Get by" by Talib Kweli
"Start today" by Gorilla Biscuits
"Don't let's start" by They Might Be Giants




**Since we only publish original or explicitly permissioned material on this blog, we provide here a list of recommended songs that address our themes and makes us want to dance.

9.25.08 Vampire Mania!

Welcome, Radio Uprisers!

Thanks for stopping by the Radio Uprising blog. We're just getting things started, so stay tuned for playlists and select episodes to be posted here.
