4.1.10 April Fools Day

Annnnnnd we're back. Actually, this is my first time on the blog--but recaps of the weekly shows are back!

This is Kristine Olson, a Vassar freshman interning for CMP this semester; and I'm excited to be of service to Radio Uprising productions and to the upkeep of this blog.

Since today, April 1, was April Fools Day, the theme followed suit. To honor this day of jokesters, pranksters and unsuspecting, often gullible, victims Radio Uprising (Amanda, Juliana, Jade, and myself) hosted Vassar students and comedians, Madeline '10 and Elana '12. These funny ladies are members of the Vassar College comedy troupe called Happily Ever Laughter, or HEL.

As music was being played, and poetry was being read, the ladies joked that they had come unprepared, and that it might actually be a very serious show: "there might be tears," joked Elana. Tears of joy, maybe. From Betty Backpack, a Centaur coming to dinner, making boring topics funny by using a Minnesotan accent, to the overall absurdity of HEL's humor, Elana and Madeline kept us laughing.

Dispersed throughout jokes and witticisms, tidbits of comedic wisdom and advice were imparted on all who listened. Both ladies noted that they were class clowns in school; and as young students, they had a lot of fun ideas; but it wasn't until college that they realized they could write these ideas down and make something out of them, that they could make groups of people laugh simultaneously! Even if the sketches they write aren't performed, they still find value in recording their ideas--if only to look back on them and laugh by themselves, or amongst friends.

The sketches that are performed push things to the absurd. And the key to HEL's success lies in writing about "universal funny things". Elana interjected that, "you hit the comedy jackpot when you find those things". One such 'funny thing' is Betty Backpack. A 12' x 8' HUUUGE back pack stuffed with newspapers--a comment on the giant backpacks that one can see college students (even high school students) lugging about as if out on a Himalayan mountain trek. Madeline commented that what makes backpacks so interesting is that they define people. For example, she can pick out her friend from a distance just based on the color of the backpack she wears.

We learned that other seemingly ordinary things are equally as funny. I particularly enjoyed their discussion about nothing in particular, nothing exceptionally funny, but in Minnesota accents which...ARE funny (no offense to anyone from that wonderful state. You bring us joy, and for that: we thank you).

But what happens if the audience doesn't find these things funny? What if they don't laugh?, we ask. "We still have fun, and that's what counts," say Madeline and Elana. Different people find different things funny. Sometimes you're funny, and sometimes you're not. Happily Ever Laughter, however, (verified by Amanda who's seen a show) is generally very funny.

If you're in need of some laughs, they're next show is on Saturday, April 24 at 9 and 11pm in the Mug (in the Main building on Vassar's campus, below the Retreat). Two shows. One night. Appropriate comedy (they assured us). FREE!! For more information call 845-437-7178.

Music and Poetry featured in today's show was chosed based on the April Fools theme:

"Fools in Love"--Inara George
"The Fools on the Hill"--The Beatles
"Only Fools Rush In"--Elvis Presley
"One April Day"--Stephin Merrit

This is just to say by William Carlos Williams
Hug O War by Shel Silverstein

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