The show began with an in-studio discussion about our daily "Wows" concerning women; and they included the women's right to vote, and the ability to do basically any job a man can do and to negotiate salaries.
In a piece called "A Softer Side" for Blunt Youth Radio, Charlotte McDonald interviews a female musician about her encounters with biases in her musical education.
Poem (read by Juliana):
"Proletariat Portrait" by William Carlos Williams
Fun Fact (told by John):
A woman holds the Guiness World Record for the highest recorded IQ. Marilyn vos Savant is recorded to have an IQ of 228.
John then chimed in that if anyone had a IQ higher than 228, they should please call in to the station. So go test your IQ and let us know if you score higher than 228!
PSA (read by Kristine):
Free Film Showing: "Rethink Afghanistan", a documentary by Robert Greenwald. A discussion will follow the film. When: Saturday, May 8 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Where: Poughkeepsie Friends Meeting, located on 249 Hooker Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY. Sponsored by the Poughkeepsie Friends Meeting ( and Duchess Peace Coalition ( For more information, contact: (845) 454-6431 or (845) 454-2870.
In the studio today we had Jenny, a Sociology major at Vassar College who grew up in Poughkeepsie, NY. She is a counselor for CARES, a student run, nonjudgemental, non-political, confidential, peer-listening resource for anyone affected by abuse. But the reason she was in the studio today was to talk about the thesis she wrote about Mormons, and the role of women in the Mormon family structure. A very interesting fact is that Mormon women in the Utah Territory had the right to vote before women in any other part of the country. They also had the right to divorce and to pursue an education when other women did not. But various historical circumstances led to a decline in female rights. Yet, there is still a space for Feminism in the Mormon church. Women have formed their own groups to do charity and relief work, among other things.
Box Question Discussion: Who are you favorite heroines in history? or in fiction (tv, movies, books, etc)? Amanda shared her admiration for Margaret Sanger (1883-1966), the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Juliana then read an excerpt from page 5 of the book This Bridge Called My Back by Anzaldua, which talked about being feminist and latina.
Book Recommendation: Matilda by Roald Dahl
Matilda is a five-and-a-half year old prodigy misunderstood and neglected by her family; but she finds comfort in learning and teaches herself to read. Matilda is the extraordinary tale of the triumph of a brave young girl who dares to question and challenge the authority of the misguided adults who control her life.
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