4. 29. 10 Environmental Consciousness

Although National Earth Day was a week ago, it's never to late to celebrate and respect the environment! And today's Environmental Consciousness themed show has this basic message: go outside and hug a tree! Or better yet. REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE!

DJs Warm-up Question: How much do we actually interact wiht the environment? We are all about saving it, but how much time do we actually spend outside in nature?

John and Amanda spend time outside at school during Recess and P.E., respectively. But sometimes things like homework prevent them from getting outside more often. They are still environmentally conscious by composting and recycling. A major way to live sustainably is to reduce and reuse consumer products. Buying less, and buying local is always a good way to go.

Recorded Piece:
In "Everybody's Green", Ahmina James from Youth Radio looks into the ways in which the environmental movement is controlled and popularized by "old white men," which makes it difficult, in her experience, for her black peers to feel motivated to become involved.

Usually we think of television as the antithesis of living green. On one hand, it does use electricity, and it does keep us from going outside. But in "Cartoon Physics, Part 1", Nick Flynn shows how staying in and watching cartoons on Saturday mornings tell us everything a kid should know about the world.

Fun Facts: by Fraiser Cain at http://www.universetoday.com
1) Earth is composed mostly of iron, oxygen and silicon
2)Earth doesn't take 24 hours to rotate on its axis. It takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
3) A year on Earth isn't 365 days; it's actually 365.2564 days. And the extra .2564 days create the need for leap years.

PSA 1:
Jeremy Scahill will give a lecture titled "War in the Age of Obama" in the Weis Cinem at Bard College on Monday, May 3rd at 7pm. Scahill is a corresponded for Democracy Now!, and has received numerous awards for his investigative journalism. This lecture is FREE and open to the public. It's co-sponsored by Bard Students for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine and the Bard Human Rights Project.

Recorded Piece (by our DJ Nory): A Different Perspective on Environmental Conservatism
Why compost? Why Recycle? For one, they're an excuse to go outside. But they're also an easy way to conserve the environment. Nory explores the difference between taking care, and being conscious, of the environment and being a leading advocate for environmental conservation.

Interview: Emily Vail, the Collins Research Fellow at Vassare College, spoke with us about her work with watersheds in the Dutchess County Area.

What is a watershed? The land area around a body of water (stream, river, lake) that drains into it. So activity on the land effects the quality of water in nearby streams, lakes, etc. It's important not to pollute the land because these bodies of water are a source of drinking water for people and animals; and they are also important aesthetic and recreational resources.

Concrete is a problem in Poughkeepsie. Rain water is not able to filtrate through it; and water. picks up all the street pollutants drains straight into our water sources. Clean soil is important because water filtrates through the soil, which gives plants water, it slows the flow of water into streams, and it removes pollutants.
Important: Storm drains are directly linked to the river. DO NOT DUMP anything into them, especially chemical substances. If you see people doing this, know that it's illegal.

Adopt a Spot: a Dutchess County Youth Program that promotes stream clean up. Held in July--Watershed Awareness Month. For information on more Adopt a Spot activities and events, visit www.dutchesswam.com. For information on the Vassar College Environmental Research Institute, or for resources about major, local streams and parks, visit www.dutchesswatersheds.org.

Book Recommendation: The Giving Tree, By Shel Silverstein
This book is filled with messages, ranging from an argument for conservation to a nostalgic look at life's progression. It's a classic. Read it with a critical eye, paying attention to ideas on: Friendship, Woman's role in society, How we ask-ask-ask but don't give back, and What we expect conservation to look like.

On Air Radio Play: John and Nory read a frustratingly, funny piece about an outside game of baseball. It's a classic joke--and slightly frustrating. Two New York Yankee coaches, Abbott and Costello, are talking about the team, discussing Who's on First, What's on second, and I Don't Know is on third. Who, What and I Don't Know are the names of players and Abbott is aware of this. Costello is not, and he tries to figure out repeatedly who is playing on first, second and third, but only gets thoroughly frustrated and confused.

PSA 2:
Monday-Friday. 8am to 5pm. Through June 25. Exhibiting at the Dyson Center for Cancer Care: Artist Ellen Crimmins and Vassar Brothers present "Oil on Water". The exhibit provides a soothing and healing atmosphere for patients undergoing cancer treatment. Located at Vassar Brothers Medical Center on 45 Reade Place in Poughkeepsie, NY. For more information, call 845-454-8500.

"Mother Nature's Son", The Beatles
"Big Yellow Taxi", Joni Mitchell

REMEMBER: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

4.22.10 Mentors and Women

This week's theme was Mentorship and Women. We examined the dynamic of female role models and mentors, and interviewed a Vassar student about her thesis on Feminism as it relates to Mormonism.

The show began with an in-studio discussion about our daily "Wows" concerning women; and they included the women's right to vote, and the ability to do basically any job a man can do and to negotiate salaries.

In a piece called "A Softer Side" for Blunt Youth Radio, Charlotte McDonald interviews a female musician about her encounters with biases in her musical education.

Poem (read by Juliana):
"Proletariat Portrait" by William Carlos Williams

Fun Fact (told by John):
A woman holds the Guiness World Record for the highest recorded IQ. Marilyn vos Savant is recorded to have an IQ of 228.

John then chimed in that if anyone had a IQ higher than 228, they should please call in to the station. So go test your IQ and let us know if you score higher than 228!

PSA (read by Kristine):
Free Film Showing: "Rethink Afghanistan", a documentary by Robert Greenwald. A discussion will follow the film. When: Saturday, May 8 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Where: Poughkeepsie Friends Meeting, located on 249 Hooker Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY. Sponsored by the Poughkeepsie Friends Meeting (www.poughkeepsiequakers.org) and Duchess Peace Coalition (www.dutchesspeace.org). For more information, contact: (845) 454-6431 or (845) 454-2870.

In the studio today we had Jenny, a Sociology major at Vassar College who grew up in Poughkeepsie, NY. She is a counselor for CARES, a student run, nonjudgemental, non-political, confidential, peer-listening resource for anyone affected by abuse. But the reason she was in the studio today was to talk about the thesis she wrote about Mormons, and the role of women in the Mormon family structure. A very interesting fact is that Mormon women in the Utah Territory had the right to vote before women in any other part of the country. They also had the right to divorce and to pursue an education when other women did not. But various historical circumstances led to a decline in female rights. Yet, there is still a space for Feminism in the Mormon church. Women have formed their own groups to do charity and relief work, among other things.

Box Question Discussion: Who are you favorite heroines in history? or in fiction (tv, movies, books, etc)? Amanda shared her admiration for Margaret Sanger (1883-1966), the founder of Planned Parenthood.

Juliana then read an excerpt from page 5 of the book This Bridge Called My Back by Anzaldua, which talked about being feminist and latina.

Book Recommendation: Matilda by Roald Dahl
Matilda is a five-and-a-half year old prodigy misunderstood and neglected by her family; but she finds comfort in learning and teaches herself to read. Matilda is the extraordinary tale of the triumph of a brave young girl who dares to question and challenge the authority of the misguided adults who control her life.

4.15.10 Letter M

Photos (left to right): Amanda and John, John and Nory, Juliana and Amanda.

Mars, Macavity the Mystery Cat, Moon Madness, Merriment, Meatballs, and Music. Mmm-mmm good. Today was all things M.

The show started off with a piece recorded by Curie Youth Radio called "Trying to Act Grown"--anecdotes on what teens did as kids to act grown-up: applying make-up, smoking pretend cigarettes, wearing their dad's ties, etc.

Then John shared about a piece called Why We Need to Go Back to Mars (http://www.ted.com/talks/joel_levine.html), which was followed by a recording made by John--sounds of moon landing and shuttle take offs filled the station and 3...2....1....Take Off! The show was on its way to M madness. And what could be more appropriate then a poem by T.S. Eliot.

John, Nory, Amanda, and I (Kristine) each read a part of Eliot's poem, Macavity: The Mystery Cat. If you've never read or heard this poem, it's witty and whimsical--check it out! Because, "Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw...Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity".

Fun Facts were read by John and Nory today:
1) Shakespeare was baptised on 26 April 1564; and although his birthdate is unknown it is celebrated on 23 April. Coincidentally, Shakespeare died on 23 April 1616. And if he were alive today, he'd be 436 this month!
2) The Royal Shakespeare Company presents, "Such Tweet Sorrow", a twittered modern interpretation of Romeo & Juliet. During the five weeks of their performances, people will be able to read the "tweets" (twitter updates) of Romeo, Juliet, and four other characters. To read more visit www.suchtweetsorrow.com.

TONIGHT! Celebrate National Poetry Month and Young People's Poetry week at the Adriance Memorial Library Teen Room (Market St., Poughkeepsie) with an open mic poetry event! Youth made video poems will also be screened. All are welcome to the FREE event. We ask that poems be appropriate for all ages. TIME: 6-8pm.

Box Question Discussion: What is the most unique thing you have ever heard someone have a collection of?
Juliana shared that many Brazilians collect their baby teeth and some people even wear them on necklaces. Both Juliana and Kristine shared a childhood tendency to collect the most random things, like paper, erasers, office supplies in general it seemed like.

An article called Myths and Legends About the Moon was read by Juliana, which described the sun as a woman and the moon as a man, and their mythological relationship. To read this story go to http://hubpages.com/hub/10-Interesting-Myths-and-Legends-About-The-Moon.

Short Film Recommendation: Becky recommends Feiffer's short film, "Munro", for our M themed show. "Munro" was based on a comic strip written by Feiffer in the 1950's after he was drafted into the army. It's a satirical critique of military training and drafting practices; and it won an Academy Award for Best Animated Short in 1961. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNgiWU9LY7A

The next piece was a parody of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The parody is called Macbeth and Macduff Get Into An Argument Over Semantics, by Raphael Bob-Wakesberg. Our cast included: Nory as Macbeth; John as Mcduff, Amanda as Doctor; Juliana as the narrator; and Kristine as the witch. This modern interpretation, with mixed Shakespearen speech and modern day slang, was hilarious. Please visit http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2010/4/9waksberg.html
PSA 2:
CENTERstage Production will be performing Macbeth at Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. When: April 16-18. THIS WEEKEND. Curtain Times: Fri.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 3pm. For more information and ticket prices, call 845-876-3080. The Center for Performing Arts is located on Route 308 in Rhinebeck.

And there's no better way to end something than with food and music--so that's what we did.
The In-Studio Discussion was "what's your favorite food?" Almost everyone attempted to come up with an M related food. Meatballs, Al-Monds, Macaroni, among other foods were mentioned. All sounded delicious.

De La Soul, "Transmitting Live From Mars"
David Bowie, "Life On Mars"
The Magnetic Fields, "I Have the Moon"
Elton John, "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters"
St, Vincent, "Marry Me"
Feist, "My Moon My Man"
The Be Good Tanyas, "Midnight Moonlight"

And to conclude the show, a shout out was given to Mentors--of all kinds--but specifically to those working at CMP. Thank you for all you do!

4.8.10 Radio Uprising Rocks!

With Amanda gone yesterday, the show’s theme switched from Women/Feminism to a non-denominational free-flow show titled: “Juliana and John rock!” Of course it quickly became, “Juliana, John, Nory, Jade and ( if I may say so) Kristine rock!”

April being poetry month, several poems were read, including an all time classic “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll, read with whimsical passion by John. Other poems included two youth pieces: “Almost Perfect” by 16 year old Gavin Admire, a student at Silver Creek Alternative School in Haily, ID; and “I Wish” by Pablo Alfaro, a 10th grader at Manual Arts High School in L.A. Both of these pieces exhibited a sense of individuality, thoughtfulness, and strength that some students at this age struggle to grasp because they’re consumed, or overcome, by the pressures of trying to fit in. To be honest, it’s a pressure that never completely disappears; but the fact that they’re aware of the pressures—and they don’t allow the pressures to control their life, and deplete it of uniqueness and joy—is admirable and worthy of respect.

These poems tied in appropriately with other pieces shared on the show, which dealt with issues of finding, retaining and asserting individuality with in a greater context of community, whether it is family or school.

The first piece was, “The All-American Cambodian”, by Chandra Touch. “Chandra, a Portland teen, talks to her mom, a Cambodian immigrant, about why she does not support some of Chandra’s extracurricular activities, such as cheerleading. Chandra understands the cultural differences between American High School and the environment her mother grew up in, but she also wants to make a life of her own”. Chandra, an ambitious student involved in a plethora of clubs, Honors classes, sports, etc, is destined to be the first in her family to graduate High School, and inevitably College. Even so, her proud mother doesn’t want Chandra to forget about quality time spent with family, and honoring their family values. Striking a balance is always difficult, as Chandra is learning.

For the In-Studio Discussion, Nory read an article from Time Kids about Standardized Testing. The article pointed out how American kids are more stressed-out than ever over testing. Test scores have been shifting away from revealing student strengths and weaknesses (so as to alter lesson plans in order to address student needs), to a means of assessing schools’ success or failure. The general consensus from us at Radio Uprising was that bubble tests (like the SAT) only measure one kind of intelligence, and overlook other important qualities that would be better tested through essay writing, art projects and science labs.

Another recorded piece was “Finding Laughter in Iraq”, from War News Radio (Hansi Wang). “In the years since the American invasion, Iraqis have struggled through sectarian violence, lack of electricity, and widespreas unemployment. But somehow, they’ve found things to laugh about. War News Radio’s Hansi Lo Wang explores a lighter side of Iraqi life, taking a look at what makes Iraq smile”.

After the recordings, Nory made an announcement about Day of Silence, which will be this Friday, April 16. "On the National Day of Silence hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools" (www.dayofsilence.org). Along with the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), Nory has also been involved with the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Along with another girl, she will be receiving a leadership award for her involvement! Congratulations Nory! For more information visit www.glsen.org.

On another lighter note, John and I presented two fun facts. John informed us that woodpeckers eat insects from living and dead trees, along with fruit, nuts, and sap. Thus, their ecological role consists of protecting trees from mass infestation! My fact, although unrelated, was also fun. Topeka means “to dig potatoes” in Kansa and Ioway (Native American languages). And Topeka became a place name in 1826, and was chosen because it, “was novel, of Indian origin, and euphonious of sound”. Also, Topeka, Kansas became a city in 1857, founded by Eastern anti-slavery men.

For this week’s Book Recommendation, John shared Warriors by Erin Hunter with us. Warriors is a series about cats who can talk, build forts, fight and seem to be an overall adventurous bunch. Each cat has a first and last name; and the last name changes to signify their stage in life, and their position as a warrior (ex. Claw) or a leader (ex. Star). Another series by Hunter is Seeke, a series about bears.

PSA’s this week included:

1) 1) Young People’s Poetry Week: Open Mic. Celebrate Poetry Month and Young People’s Poetry Week at the Adriance Memorial Library Teen Room! Bring a favorite poem to share—written by you or a favorite poet. A short program of videos (made by youth video makers!) will also be screened. ALL are WELCOME to this FREE event! We ask that poems be appropriate for all ages. LOCATION: Adriance Memorial Library, Teen room, Market St., Poughkeepsie. DATE: April 15, 6-8pm. Co-sponsored by the Poughkeepsie Public Library District and Children’s Media Project.

2) 2) Autism Awareness and Education Day at Vassar Brothers Medical Center. Date: Saturday, April 10. Time: 9:30am-3pm. April is Autism Awareness month and Vassar Brothers Chronically Ill Children’s Support Group will be hosting this event. Families can learn more about programs, services, and skills they can utilize. Lunch will be provided, along with activities for kids. For more information or to RSVP, call Katie Rapp at 845-454-8500 ext. 72384

And we can’t forget the MUSIC!

Prince, “Purple Rain”

Talking Heads, “This Must Be the Place”

Wilco, “Please Be Patient With Me”

Davide Byrne and Brian Eno, “One Fine Day

4.1.10 April Fools Day

Annnnnnd we're back. Actually, this is my first time on the blog--but recaps of the weekly shows are back!

This is Kristine Olson, a Vassar freshman interning for CMP this semester; and I'm excited to be of service to Radio Uprising productions and to the upkeep of this blog.

Since today, April 1, was April Fools Day, the theme followed suit. To honor this day of jokesters, pranksters and unsuspecting, often gullible, victims Radio Uprising (Amanda, Juliana, Jade, and myself) hosted Vassar students and comedians, Madeline '10 and Elana '12. These funny ladies are members of the Vassar College comedy troupe called Happily Ever Laughter, or HEL.

As music was being played, and poetry was being read, the ladies joked that they had come unprepared, and that it might actually be a very serious show: "there might be tears," joked Elana. Tears of joy, maybe. From Betty Backpack, a Centaur coming to dinner, making boring topics funny by using a Minnesotan accent, to the overall absurdity of HEL's humor, Elana and Madeline kept us laughing.

Dispersed throughout jokes and witticisms, tidbits of comedic wisdom and advice were imparted on all who listened. Both ladies noted that they were class clowns in school; and as young students, they had a lot of fun ideas; but it wasn't until college that they realized they could write these ideas down and make something out of them, that they could make groups of people laugh simultaneously! Even if the sketches they write aren't performed, they still find value in recording their ideas--if only to look back on them and laugh by themselves, or amongst friends.

The sketches that are performed push things to the absurd. And the key to HEL's success lies in writing about "universal funny things". Elana interjected that, "you hit the comedy jackpot when you find those things". One such 'funny thing' is Betty Backpack. A 12' x 8' HUUUGE back pack stuffed with newspapers--a comment on the giant backpacks that one can see college students (even high school students) lugging about as if out on a Himalayan mountain trek. Madeline commented that what makes backpacks so interesting is that they define people. For example, she can pick out her friend from a distance just based on the color of the backpack she wears.

We learned that other seemingly ordinary things are equally as funny. I particularly enjoyed their discussion about nothing in particular, nothing exceptionally funny, but in Minnesota accents which...ARE funny (no offense to anyone from that wonderful state. You bring us joy, and for that: we thank you).

But what happens if the audience doesn't find these things funny? What if they don't laugh?, we ask. "We still have fun, and that's what counts," say Madeline and Elana. Different people find different things funny. Sometimes you're funny, and sometimes you're not. Happily Ever Laughter, however, (verified by Amanda who's seen a show) is generally very funny.

If you're in need of some laughs, they're next show is on Saturday, April 24 at 9 and 11pm in the Mug (in the Main building on Vassar's campus, below the Retreat). Two shows. One night. Appropriate comedy (they assured us). FREE!! For more information call 845-437-7178.

Music and Poetry featured in today's show was chosed based on the April Fools theme:

"Fools in Love"--Inara George
"The Fools on the Hill"--The Beatles
"Only Fools Rush In"--Elvis Presley
"One April Day"--Stephin Merrit

This is just to say by William Carlos Williams
Hug O War by Shel Silverstein