4. 29. 10 Environmental Consciousness

Although National Earth Day was a week ago, it's never to late to celebrate and respect the environment! And today's Environmental Consciousness themed show has this basic message: go outside and hug a tree! Or better yet. REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE!

DJs Warm-up Question: How much do we actually interact wiht the environment? We are all about saving it, but how much time do we actually spend outside in nature?

John and Amanda spend time outside at school during Recess and P.E., respectively. But sometimes things like homework prevent them from getting outside more often. They are still environmentally conscious by composting and recycling. A major way to live sustainably is to reduce and reuse consumer products. Buying less, and buying local is always a good way to go.

Recorded Piece:
In "Everybody's Green", Ahmina James from Youth Radio looks into the ways in which the environmental movement is controlled and popularized by "old white men," which makes it difficult, in her experience, for her black peers to feel motivated to become involved.

Usually we think of television as the antithesis of living green. On one hand, it does use electricity, and it does keep us from going outside. But in "Cartoon Physics, Part 1", Nick Flynn shows how staying in and watching cartoons on Saturday mornings tell us everything a kid should know about the world.

Fun Facts: by Fraiser Cain at http://www.universetoday.com
1) Earth is composed mostly of iron, oxygen and silicon
2)Earth doesn't take 24 hours to rotate on its axis. It takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
3) A year on Earth isn't 365 days; it's actually 365.2564 days. And the extra .2564 days create the need for leap years.

PSA 1:
Jeremy Scahill will give a lecture titled "War in the Age of Obama" in the Weis Cinem at Bard College on Monday, May 3rd at 7pm. Scahill is a corresponded for Democracy Now!, and has received numerous awards for his investigative journalism. This lecture is FREE and open to the public. It's co-sponsored by Bard Students for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine and the Bard Human Rights Project.

Recorded Piece (by our DJ Nory): A Different Perspective on Environmental Conservatism
Why compost? Why Recycle? For one, they're an excuse to go outside. But they're also an easy way to conserve the environment. Nory explores the difference between taking care, and being conscious, of the environment and being a leading advocate for environmental conservation.

Interview: Emily Vail, the Collins Research Fellow at Vassare College, spoke with us about her work with watersheds in the Dutchess County Area.

What is a watershed? The land area around a body of water (stream, river, lake) that drains into it. So activity on the land effects the quality of water in nearby streams, lakes, etc. It's important not to pollute the land because these bodies of water are a source of drinking water for people and animals; and they are also important aesthetic and recreational resources.

Concrete is a problem in Poughkeepsie. Rain water is not able to filtrate through it; and water. picks up all the street pollutants drains straight into our water sources. Clean soil is important because water filtrates through the soil, which gives plants water, it slows the flow of water into streams, and it removes pollutants.
Important: Storm drains are directly linked to the river. DO NOT DUMP anything into them, especially chemical substances. If you see people doing this, know that it's illegal.

Adopt a Spot: a Dutchess County Youth Program that promotes stream clean up. Held in July--Watershed Awareness Month. For information on more Adopt a Spot activities and events, visit www.dutchesswam.com. For information on the Vassar College Environmental Research Institute, or for resources about major, local streams and parks, visit www.dutchesswatersheds.org.

Book Recommendation: The Giving Tree, By Shel Silverstein
This book is filled with messages, ranging from an argument for conservation to a nostalgic look at life's progression. It's a classic. Read it with a critical eye, paying attention to ideas on: Friendship, Woman's role in society, How we ask-ask-ask but don't give back, and What we expect conservation to look like.

On Air Radio Play: John and Nory read a frustratingly, funny piece about an outside game of baseball. It's a classic joke--and slightly frustrating. Two New York Yankee coaches, Abbott and Costello, are talking about the team, discussing Who's on First, What's on second, and I Don't Know is on third. Who, What and I Don't Know are the names of players and Abbott is aware of this. Costello is not, and he tries to figure out repeatedly who is playing on first, second and third, but only gets thoroughly frustrated and confused.

PSA 2:
Monday-Friday. 8am to 5pm. Through June 25. Exhibiting at the Dyson Center for Cancer Care: Artist Ellen Crimmins and Vassar Brothers present "Oil on Water". The exhibit provides a soothing and healing atmosphere for patients undergoing cancer treatment. Located at Vassar Brothers Medical Center on 45 Reade Place in Poughkeepsie, NY. For more information, call 845-454-8500.

"Mother Nature's Son", The Beatles
"Big Yellow Taxi", Joni Mitchell

REMEMBER: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

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