10.27.11. Names, Identity and Clothing

On October 27, we had a show about name, identity and clothing! Students from Poughkeepsie Day School’s Radio and Podcasting Class made short pieces explaining why they like their name, where it comes from, and any interesting stories about it! Some students had really awesome stories about their name, and almost everyone expressed that they liked their name for some reason. We listened to a Radio Round Table about identity and discussed the following questions:
What is identity?
How do you identify yourself?
What are some things that come to mind first when asked what your identity is? What influences your identity (media, upbringing, education, etc)?

We then listened to some pieces about clothing. We discussed clothing stereotypes and uniforms in schools. Our in-studio DJs had mixed feelings about uniforms—some thought it would be nice to never have to worry about what you’re going to wear to school, while others worried that uniforms stifle the expression of individuality through clothing. 

It was a great show! Make sure you tune in on Thursdays from 4-5 PM to hear it live!

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